Enroll Your Children at Our Learning Center


  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • THREE-YEAR-OLD CLASSES - children must be three (3) on or before October 1st of the year they register.
    FOUR-YEAR-OLD CLASSES - children must be four (4) on or before October 1st of the year they register.
  • Please include with this application a $75.00 non-refundable APPLICATION FEE. If you are enrolling multiple children, only one application fee is required.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

    Day–In Parent and Chaperones:

    • The cooperative experience is based on the belief that parental participation in the classroom enriches our children’s first education experience. For both classes we ask that families assist in the classroom as the “day-in” parent a minimum of three (3) days during the year, in addition to the fundraising and maintenance responsibilities. Both classes are asked to join us as chaperones for field trips.


    • The operating expenses of the school, which include the overall upkeep of the classroom and our playground, have always been in excess of income from tuition. Additional funds are needed to cover this gap. Each family is asked to participate in the fundraisers to the best of their ability.


    • Throughout the year the classrooms and playgrounds are in need of thorough cleaning and reorganization. In order to accomplish this, each family is asked for three (3) hours over the course of the school year.


    Payment of Tuition:

    Tuition is an annual sum paid to the school. You have the choice to pay it in two ways:

    Monthly Installments: Ten (10) installments due as follows:

    • June 1st: one tuition installment + one time insurance fee; If payment is not received by June15th the student’s placement in the class will be forfeited. This payment is nonrefundable.
    • The first day of every month September through May: one tuition installment due.

    Full Tuition –

    The entire tuition may be paid in full prior to the start of school or at any time during the school year.
  • *The Milford Co-Op is only able to accept fully potty-trained children.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.